Results for 'A. K. Neumann'

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  1.  27
    Tyranny and Group Loyalties.K. J. Neumann - 1943 - Philosophy 18 (70):163 - 172.
    William James in his Problems of Philosophy speaks about the Faith Ladder, enumerating a whole scale of standpoints individuals are likely to take with respect to a particular view of the world from “there is nothing absurd in a certain view of the world being true, nothing contradicting,” up to the remark “It must be true,” or “It shall be true, at any rate true for me.”.
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    Culture, Sex, and Group-Bias in Trait and State Empathy.Qing Zhao, David L. Neumann, Chao Yan, Sandra Djekic & David H. K. Shum - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Empathy is sharing and understanding others’ emotions. Recently, researchers identified a culture–sex interaction effect in empathy. This phenomenon has been largely ignored by previous researchers. In this study, the culture–sex interaction effect was explored with a cohort of 129 participants (61 Australian Caucasians and 68 Chinese Hans) using both self-report questionnaires (i.e., Empathy Quotient and Interpersonal Reactivity Index) and computer-based empathy tasks. In line with the previous findings, the culture–sex interaction effect was observed for both trait empathy (i.e., the generalized (...)
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    The effects of implementation intentions on prospective memory in young and older adults.Yu Wen Koo, David L. Neumann, Tamara Ownsworth & David H. K. Shum - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Prospective memory is the ability to perform a planned action at a future time, while carrying on with other unrelated tasks. Implementation Intentions is a promising metacognitive strategy for improving PM in older adults, though its generalization and longer-term effects are not well-understood. We examined the effects of II on PM in 48 community-dwelling older adults and 59 young adults. Participants were randomly allocated to a conventional instruction or II group and administered a laboratory-based PM task in the first session. (...)
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    Understanding the Neural Basis of Prospective Memory Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy.Yu Wen Koo, David L. Neumann, Tamara Ownsworth, Michael K. Yeung & David H. K. Shum - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Prospective memory is the ability to perform a planned action at an intended future time. This study examined the neural correlates of PM using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. This study employed a within-participants design. A laboratory PM task was adapted for use with fNIRS to investigate regions of interest and levels of brain activation during task performance in 32 participants. Participants first completed a working memory task followed by a WM plus PM task while neural activity was measured using fNIRS. Behavioral (...)
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  5.  39
    Gender, Race and Parenthood Impact Academic Productivity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: From Survey to Action.Fernanda Staniscuaski, Livia Kmetzsch, Rossana C. Soletti, Fernanda Reichert, Eugenia Zandonà, Zelia M. C. Ludwig, Eliade F. Lima, Adriana Neumann, Ida V. D. Schwartz, Pamela B. Mello-Carpes, Alessandra S. K. Tamajusuku, Fernanda P. Werneck, Felipe K. Ricachenevsky, Camila Infanger, Adriana Seixas, Charley C. Staats & Leticia de Oliveira - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic is altering dynamics in academia, and people juggling remote work and domestic demands – including childcare – have felt impacts on their productivity. Female authors have faced a decrease in paper submission rates since the beginning of the pandemic period. The reasons for this decline in women’s productivity need to be further investigated. Here, we analyzed the influence of gender, parenthood and race on academic productivity during the pandemic period based on a survey answered by (...)
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  6.  13
    Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie in Deutschland heute: Beiträge zur Standortbestimmung.Robert Alexy, Ralf Dreier & Ulfrid Neumann (eds.) - 1991 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Erscheint anlasslich des 15. Weltkongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (IVR) vom 18. bis 24. August 1991 in Gottingen und enthalt eine Selbstdarstellung der deutschen Sektion der IVR. Die Autoren berichten uber ihre eigene theoretische Position oder uber neuere Diskussionszusammenhange, die ihnen wichtig erscheinen. Aus dem Inhalt: K. Adomeit: Menschenrechte und Rechtsphilosophie u H. Albert: Erkenntnis, Recht und soziale Ordnung u R. Alexy: Idee und Struktur eines vernunftigen Rechtssystems u O. Ballweg: Analytische Rhetorik als juristische Grundlagenforschung u R. (...)
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    Generalisierung und Individualisierung im Rechtsdenken: Vorträge der ersten gesamtdeutschen Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Saarbrücken, 10.-12. Oktober 1990.Maximilian Herberger, Ulfrid Neumann & Helmut Rüssmann (eds.) - 1992 - Stuttgart: F. Steiner Verlag.
    Das Verhaltnis von Regel und Fall ist ein Grundthema der Rechtsphilosophie und der juristischen Methodenlehre. Im Zentrum stehen dabei meist Probleme der Regelanwendung. Die nachstehend aufgefuehrten Beitrage zur Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der IVR stellen demgegenueber Fragen der Regelbildung in den Vordergrund. Das Generalthema wird unter Gesichtspunkten der Moralphilosophie, der Rechtsdogmatik, der juristischen Methodenlehre, der Rechtsinformatik und der gerichtlichen Praxis behandelt. Aus dem Inhalt: Einfuehrungsreferat zum Generalthema (A. Kaufmann) u Regel und Fall in der juristischen Methodenlehre (L. Kuhlen/K. Luederssen) u (...)
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  8.  48
    From Frege to Gödel. [REVIEW]P. K. H. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (1):168-169.
    It is difficult to describe this book without praising it. Collected here in one volume are some thirty-six high quality translations into English of the most important foreign-language works in mathematical logic, as well as articles and letters by Whitehead, Russell, Norbert Weiner and Post. The contents of the volume are arranged in chronological order, beginning with Frege's Begriffsschrift—translated in its entirety—and concluding with Gödel's famous "On Formally Undecidable Propositions" and Herbrand's "On the Consistency of Arithmetic". The translation of the (...)
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  9.  12
    Set Theory and Its Logic. [REVIEW]K. J. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (1):183-183.
    A splendid introduction to set theory. By leaning heavily on modern logic, Quine develops a substantial amount of set theory axiomatically without either being naive about the antinomies or prejudicing the issue of infinite classes. This development felicitously allows Quine a neutral ground on which, in his concluding chapters, to describe, compare and connect various conflicting full-blooded systems: Russell's theory of types, Zermelo's system, two of Quine's own, and von Neumann's. This treatment of set theory, allowing formalism without sectionalism, (...)
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  10.  22
    Great Ideas in Information Theory, Language and Cybernetics. [REVIEW]P. K. H. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (4):732-733.
    Here is a fine semipopular book about the ideas which have motivated the much-talked-about revolution in the theories of information, control and communication. Jagjit Singh is one of those rare science writers who knows how to present intricate technical concepts to the less-than-expert reader without compromising the original sense or significance. The book begins, appropriately enough, with a discussion of the concept of information, culminating in the technical definition which enables us to assign numerical values to its quantity. The following (...)
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  11.  54
    Von Neumann coordinatization is not first-order.Friedrich Wehrung - 2006 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 6 (01):1-24.
    A lattice L is coordinatizable, if it is isomorphic to the lattice L of principal right ideals of some von Neumann regular ring R. This forces L to be complemented modular. All known sufficient conditions for coordinatizability, due first to von Neumann, then to Jónsson, are first-order. Nevertheless, we prove that coordinatizability of lattices is not first-order, by finding a non-coordinatizable lattice K with a coordinatizable countable elementary extension L. This solves a 1960 problem of Jónsson. We also (...)
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  12. Civitates Mundi.K. Neumann - 1887 - Hermes 22 (1):160.
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    Confession of the Secret, Defence of Orthodoxy and Lithographic Printing in the Late Ottoman Empire.Christoph K. Neumann - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 73 (4):372-378.
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  14. Devletin Adı Yok-Bir Amblemin Okunması.Christoph K. Neumann - 1999 - Cogito 19:269-83.
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  15.  10
    18. Das Geburtsjahr Kaiser Iulians.K. J. Neumann - 1891 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 50 (1-4):763-764.
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  16. Ökopark am Rangierbahnhof Nord, München.K. D. Neumann - 1996 - Topos 17 (1996):78.
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  17. Lege Pulsus bei Tacitus.K. Neumann - 1897 - Hermes 32 (2):475-478.
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  18. Nachtrag zu Hermes XV S. 607.K. Neumann - 1881 - Hermes 16 (1):159-160.
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  19. Polybiana.K. Neumann - 1896 - Hermes 31 (3):519-529.
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  20. Zu den Historien des Sallust.K. Neumann - 1897 - Hermes 32 (1):313-317.
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  21.  43
    Culture–Sex Interaction and the Self-Report Empathy in Australians and Mainland Chinese.Qing Zhao, David L. Neumann, Yuan Cao, Simon Baron-Cohen, Chao Yan, Raymond C. K. Chan & David H. K. Shum - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  22. Soviet Republic [Slovakia].Juraj Kovalčík, Michal Kabát & Miroslav Neumann - 2025 - In Michał Mochocki, Paweł Schreiber, Jakub Majewski & Yaraslau I. Kot, Central and Eastern European histories and heritages in video games. New York: Routledge.
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  23. Is logic revisable?Michael Neumann - 2007 - In Cornelis De Waal, Susan Haack: a lady of distinctions: the philosopher responds to critics. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. pp. 41.
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  24.  21
    Das osmanische Reich in seinen Archivalien und Chroniken, Negat Göyünç zu EhrenDas osmanische Reich in seinen Archivalien und Chroniken, Negat Goyunc zu Ehren.Virginia H. Aksan, Klaus Kreiser & Christoph K. Neumann - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (1):116.
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    B. Zur erklärung und kritilc der schriftsteller.M. Hecht, Fr Susemihl, W. Christ, K. J. Neumann & O. Keller - 1886 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 45 (2):380-392.
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  26. Did Kant respect persons?Michael Neumann - 2000 - Res Publica 6 (3):285-299.
    The illusion that Kant respects persons comes from ascribing contemporary meanings to purely technical terms within his second formulation of the categorical imperative, “[A]ct so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only”. When we realize that “humanity” means rational nature and “person” means the supersensible self (homo noumenon), we find that we are to respect, not human selves in all their diversity (homo phaenomenon), (...)
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  27.  29
    Genes in Development: Re-reading the Molecular Paradigm.Eva M. Neumann-Held, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Barbara Herrnstein Smith & E. Roy Weintraub (eds.) - 2006 - Duke University Press.
    In light of scientific advances such as genomics, predictive diagnostics, genetically engineered agriculture, nuclear transfer cloning, and the manipulation of stem cells, the idea that genes carry predetermined molecular programs or blueprints is pervasive. Yet new scientific discoveries—such as rna transcripts of single genes that can lead to the production of different compounds from the same pieces of dna—challenge the concept of the gene alone as the dominant factor in biological development. Increasingly aware of the tension between certain empirical results (...)
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  28.  52
    Specificity deficit in the recollection of emotional memories in schizophrenia☆☆☆.Aurore Neumann, Sylvie Blairy, Damien Lecompte & Pierre Philippot - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (2):469-484.
    The influence of emotion on episodic and autobiographical memory in schizophrenia was investigated. Using an experiential approach, the states of awareness accompanying recollection of pictures from the IAPS and of associated autobiographical memories was recorded. Results show that schizophrenia impairs episodic and autobiographical memories in their critical feature: autonoetic awareness, i.e., the type of awareness experienced when mentally reliving events from one’s past. Schizophrenia was also associated with a reduction of specific autobiographical memories. The impact of stimulus valence on memory (...)
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  29.  19
    The Gendered Burden of Development in Nicaragua.Pamela J. Neumann - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (6):799-820.
    The recent political “left turn” in Latin America has led to an increased emphasis on social policy and poverty alleviation programs aimed at women. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork and interviews in a rural village in Nicaragua, I argue that one of the consequences of such programs is an increase in women’s daily workload, which I call the gendered burden of development. By exploiting women’s unpaid community care labor, these non-governmental organizations and state-led programs entrench established gender roles and responsibilities. Furthermore, (...)
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  30.  21
    Being Prosthetic in the First World War and Weimar Germany.Boaz Neumann - 2010 - Body and Society 16 (3):93-126.
    In this article I discuss the prosthetic phenomenon during the First World War and Weimar Germany. As opposed to contemporary trends, with their inflationary use of the ‘prosthesis’, sometimes even hypothesizing ‘prostheticization’ as a paradigm, I seek to return the debate about the prosthesis to its historical concreteness. I describe the phenomenology of the prosthesis in three senses: first, in the statistical sense, in the form of a dramatic growth in the number of prostheses; second, in the visual sense, in (...)
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  31.  33
    Making political ecology.Roderick P. Neumann - 2005 - New York: Distributed in the United States of America by Oxford University Press.
    This book presents a comprehensive view of an important new field in human geography and interdisciplinary studies of nature-society relations. Tracing the development of political ecology from its origins in geography and ecological anthropology in the 1970s, to its current status as an established field, the book investigates how late twentieth-century developments in social and ecological theories are brought together to create a powerful framework for comprehending environmental problems. Making Political Ecology argues for an inclusionary conceptualization of the field that (...)
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  32.  34
    Problems and paradigms: Morphogens and pattern formation.Carl Neumann & Stephen Cohen - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (8):721-729.
    Morphogen gradient theories have enjoyed considerable popularity since the beginning of this century, but conclusive evidence for a role of morphogens in controlling multicellular development has been elusive. Recently, work on three secreted signalling proteins, Activin in Xenopus, and Wingless and Dpp in Drosophila, has stongly suggested that these proteins function as morphogens. In order to define a factor as a morphogen, it is necessary to show firstly, that it has a direct effect on target cells and secondly, that it (...)
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  33.  47
    The influence of mood on the intensity of emotional responses: Disentangling feeling and knowing.Roland Neumann, Beate Seibt & Fritz Strack - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (6):725-747.
    The results of three experiments suggest that pre-existing mood increases the intensity of affectively congruent emotions while dampening the intensity of incongruent emotions independent of attributional knowledge. This result was obtained using a new method for inducing mood states unobtrusively and with minimal or no cognitive concomitants. The results of Experiment 1 revealed that for participants who were exposed to positive feedback a pre-existing positive mood led to stronger feelings of pride in comparison to negative mood. The results of Experiments (...)
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  34.  6
    Über das Lachen und Studien über den platonischen Sokrates.Frederick Neumann - 1971 - Den Haag,: M. Nijhoff.
    Es ist mir eine grosse Genugtuung, die vorliegende Sammlung von Ar­ beiten eines Autors einzufuhren, der es verdient hatte, dass seine philo­ sophischen Schriften schon Hingst ihren Weg zum Verleger gefunden hatten. Da Dr. Frederick Neumann aber, nach seiner Auswanderung nach Amerika, seine ganze Zeit seinen Theologiearbeiten in englischer Sprache gewidmet hatte, war es seiner Witwe, Edith Neumann, be­ schieden, dieselben erst nach seinem Tode an wiirdiger Stelle zu ver­ offentlichen. Ich selbst bin die Witwe seines Freundes Philip (...)
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  35.  11
    Concepts of international relations, for students and other smarties.Iver B. Neumann - 2019 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    Concepts of International Relations, for Students and Other Smarties is not a stereotypical textbook, but an instructive, entertaining and motivating introduction to the field of International Relations (IR). Rather than relying on figures or tables, Concepts of International Relations, for Students and Other Smarties piques the reader's interest with a pithy narrative that presents apposite nutshell examples, stresses historical breaks and throws in the odd pun to get the big picture across. While there are other brief, introductory IR titles, Iver (...)
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  36.  53
    Critical pedagogy and faith.Jacob W. Neumann - 2011 - Educational Theory 61 (5):601-619.
    Critical pedagogy has often been linked in the literature to faith traditions such as liberation theology, usually with the intent of improving or redirecting it. While recognizing and drawing from those previous linkages, Jacob Neumann goes further in this essay and develops the thesis that critical pedagogy can not just benefit from a connection with faith traditions, but is actually, in and of itself, a practice of faith. In this analysis, he juxtaposes critical pedagogy against three conceptualizations of faith: (...)
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  37.  50
    How Does the Future Appear in Spite of the Present? Towards an “Empty Teleology” of Time.Daniel Neumann - 2023 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 54 (1):15-29.
    This article takes a phenomenological approach to thinking about ways in which the future comes to pass without being derived from the present, i.e. without being based on our current and past objective engagements. In the first part, I look at Husserl’s idea of “protention” in order to discuss how phenomenology has conceptualized the indeterminacy of the present moment. In the second part, the Heideggerian notion of “projection” is discussed as a modification of protention. In the third part, I argue (...)
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  38.  36
    The cognitive legacy of norm simulation.Martin Neumann - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 20 (4):339-357.
    The comprehension of norms in complex social systems is one of the most active fields of research in agent-based modelling. This is faced with the challenge to comprehend the recursive interaction between inter- and intra-agent processes. In this article, a comparative analysis of selected cases of normative agent architectures will be given based on a review of theories of norms in the social sciences. This allows to identify the prerequisites for a representation of the cognitive processes of norm recognition. As (...)
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  39.  83
    The description of preparation and registration of physical systems and conventional probability theory.Holger Neumann - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (8):761-778.
    The connection of the structure of statistical selection procedures with measure theory is investigated. The methods of measure theory are applied in order to analyze a mathematical description of preparation and registration of physical systems that is used by G. Ludwig for a foundation of quantum mechanics.
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  40.  25
    On Inception by Martin Heidegger (review).Daniel Neumann - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (3):548-550.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:On Inception by Martin HeideggerDaniel NeumannHEIDEGGER, Martin. On Inception. Translated by Peter Hanley. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2023. xi + 171 pp. Cloth, $40.00This translation [End Page 548] of Heidegger's On Inception (written in 1941 and published in German in 2005 as Über den Anfang) is an important addition to the translated corpus of texts on the themes of Ereignis (event) and the history of beyng (Seynsgeschichte) that (...)
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  41.  54
    Was ist die Einheit des Absoluten? Fichtes Kant-Kritik und sein Anspruch als Transzendentalphilosoph in der Wissenschaftslehre 1804.Fridolin Neumann - 2023 - Fichte-Studien 52 (2):503-522.
    In the Wissenschaftslehre 1804-II, Fichte claims to both continue and correct Kant’s transcendental philosophy. I reject this double claim by demonstrating that Fichte’s engagement with Kant is guided by altered premises that make the affiliation to Kant’s transcendental philosophy seem implausible. These divergences culminate in an opposing understanding of unity between the two philosophers, which can be revealed by attention to Fichte’s objections to the KdU. Fichte’s thesis that Kant established three absolutes instead of one absolute is based on Fichte’s (...)
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  42.  33
    Anonymous Presence.Daniel Neumann - 2024 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (2):383-404.
    This article aims to sketch a phenomenological approach to Heidegger’s concept of Ereignis. In understanding Ereignis as the presencing of being, the fun­damental question is whether and how this presence of being, i.e., presence as such, can be experienced. While this experience is incompatible with a transcendental ap­proach, the suggestion here is that Ereignis can be experienced not as my own, but as an anonymous presence. To flesh out this suggestion, a close reading of Heidegger’s critique of subjectivity in the (...)
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  43.  40
    Phänomenologie der Zeit und der Zeitlichkeit bei Husserl und Heidegger.Günther Neumann - 2023 - Heidegger Studies 39 (1):149-208.
    Phenomenology of Time and Temporality in Husserl and Heidegger Since objective time cannot be presupposed in phenomenology, the question of the constitution and nature of time represents a central task of every phenomenological analysis. The purpose of this contribution is to offer a comparison of the phenomenological analyses of time and temporality in Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger and thereby to set out the fundamental differences of their approaches. In addition to the foundational lectures and texts On the Phenomenology of (...)
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  44.  41
    The (Personal) Experience of Values – Scheler and Hildebrand.Daniel Neumann - 2023 - Research in Phenomenology 53 (3):379-401.
    There are several problems in conceiving of value experience in early phenomenology. What exactly does the experience of a value consist in? How are we to determine the morality of an action that is based on a value which is, as a reality in and of itself, imposed on us from without? How is the experience of values related to the person and in what way can an intuitive value response be reconciled with the application of acquired, personal value stances? (...)
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  45.  43
    Warum Kant ein ästhetischer Kognitivist der schönen Kunst ist.Fridolin Neumann - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 77 (1):74-96.
    In the present paper, it is shown that Kant in his theory of fine art from the Critique of Aesthetic Judgment proves to be a proponent of aesthetic cognitivism, according to which art is, first, a source of non-trivial knowledge and, second, this knowledge also has aesthetic relevance. This issue has been raised several times in the recent research literature, but has not been substantiated, or only briefly. Central to this is Kant's conception of aesthetic ideas, with which fine art (...)
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  46.  26
    Transgression of the Self – the Total Act in Jerzy Grotowski’s Laboratory Theater and Jungian archetype experience.Patrycja Neumann - 2023 - Analiza I Egzystencja 62:147-162.
    This article is devoted to one of the most important discoveries of Jerzy Grotowski, the total act, a specific kind of action and experience. It was created as part of theatrical practice, but apart from the function related to the dramaturgy of performances, it had a higher purpose, associated with the search for the essence of humanity and sources of experience of reality. Jerzy Grotowski sought to transform actors and observers, open them to what is authentic, alive and present. This (...)
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    On the Principles of the Galilean-Newtonian Theory.Carl Neumann - 1993 - Science in Context 6 (1):355-368.
    If, as is universally acknowledged, the proper goal of the mathematical sciences is the discovery of the least possible number of principles from which the universal laws of empirically given facts emerge with mathematical necessity, and thus the discovery of principles equivalent to those empirical facts, then it must appear as a duty of indubitable importance to reflect carefully on the principles that have already surfaced with some certainty in one area of the natural sciences and present them in a (...)
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  48.  43
    Side Constraint Morality.Michael Neumann - 1982 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 12 (1):131 - 143.
    The Bible does not in general tell us to maximize or minimize anything. The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount do n·ot, for example, tell us to maximize the glory of God. Instead they say, do this, don't do that, where ‘this’ and ‘that’ are replaceable by the name for such categories of action as stealing, committing adultery, and loving thy neighbour.Until recently, at least, non-maximizing moralists have appeared irrational when confronted with such questions as: what if stealing (...)
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  49.  15
    Beliefs About the Future – How What Will Have Been Decides on How We Are Justified.Saskia Janina Neumann - forthcoming - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:111-117.
    The importance of the justification of our beliefs is a long-debated question. The question of how our memory beliefs are justified, however, is a question we have usually neglected as our memory does not seem to draw much attention to itself. As long as it works, we do not even notice that we use it most of the time. In my opinion, the question of how our memory beliefs are justified, however, should play a bigger role in the philosophical debate. (...)
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  50.  18
    The Problem of Culture and Nature in Carl Gustav Jung’s Psychoanalytical Concept.Patrycja Neumann - 2023 - Analiza I Egzystencja 61:51-66.
    Zgodnie z klasycznym podejściem kultura jest przeciwieństwem natury, a człowiek jako istota przekształcająca świat jest motorem rozwoju cywilizacji. Pisma C. G. Junga zawierają nieklasyczną koncepcję kultury, zgodnie z którą nieświadomość zbiorowa determinuje sposób interpretacji i rozumienia rzeczywistości, a tym samym rozwój kultury. Psychiatra uważał człowieka za istotę tworzącą symbole. Pisał o „popędzie symbolu”, który sprawia, że powstają one spontanicznie. Istnieje związek między działaniem instynktów, które mają podłoże biologiczne, a archetypowym źródłem symboli. W nieświadomości tkwią siły natury – w szczególności popęd (...)
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